timer-format (default: 1)
There are 3 modes:
1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35
2 - short format, for example 20m
3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s
You can add or edit the command aliases here
The first element of the list will be used as the "main" command
reset-after-reward (default: false)
Should the timer reset after a player gets their afk zone rewards?
This is just for the placeholders, it will not change functionality
zone-per-ip-limit (default: -1)
How many players can gain rewards at once from a single ip at one zone?
Set to -1 for unlimited
Zone configuration files
reward-time-seconds (default: 60)
How often should players in the zone get rewards?
This is in seconds
roll-amount (default: 3)
How many rewards should be rolled after the time has passed?
Last modified: 01 August 2024