Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



  • prefix: "&#00DDFF&lAxAuctions &7» " database: # h2, mysql, postgresql type: "h2" prefix: "axauctions" # you only need to touch these when using mysql/postgresql address: port: 3306 database: admin username: admin password: 'admin' pool: maximum-pool-size: 10 minimum-idle: 10 maximum-lifetime: 1800000 keepalive-time: 0 connection-timeout: 5000 # format: language_COUNTRY # after changing this, the server will download the default item names language: en_US # when using mysql/postgresql, how should data be sent between servers? # values: none, sql # if you don't need multi server support, set to none to disable multi-server-support: "sql" # should sellers get their money only when they join? # with some currency plugins this option is automatically enabled # the sellers will still be notified about sold items even if this is false # if you change this while the plugin is used, some players may get their money twice or lose their money only-give-money-on-join: false # if only-give-money-on-join is enabled, this will delay giving the money by X seconds # this can be useful if you're waiting for a plugin to load player data or if the chat is too spammy on join delay-money-give-seconds: 3 number-formatting: # modes: # 0 - formatted (customizable, look at the formatted part) # 1 - short (1K) # 2 - raw (1000.4242421412) mode: 0 # formatted: "#,###.##" # format: language_COUNTRY short: "en_US" # used to show the length of boosters # in bossbars you have to use the %time_formatted% placeholder for these to be used # 1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35 # 2 - short format, for example 20m # 3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s timer-format: 1 # after how long should items expire? # in seconds item-expire-time: 86400 # after how long should items get deleted? # only starts if the item have expired # in seconds item-deletion-time: 604800 # the minimum price for an item # do not set below 0.01 min-price: 10.0 # the maximum price for an item # set to -1 to disable max-price: -1 # if true, even if there is only 1 loaded currency, the selector will show force-currency-selector: false # how often should people be able to refresh the gui? # if you use mysql this is probably a good idea to keep high # on local databases, (like h2) you can set this to any number really gui-refresh-cooldown-milliseconds: 250 # list of items that CAN'T be sold in the auction house # note: the name-contains string shouldn't include any color codes blacklisted-items: "1": material: "barrier" name-contains: "Banned item's name" # do not change this version: 4


  • # These are all the options that you can use in the webhook section: (most of them are optional, you can remove them) # # the message before the embed, you can put a ping here in the <@&1234567890123456789> format # content: "<@&1234567890123456789>" # # color in hex # color: "#FF6600" # description: "Your description" # title: # # required # text: "Title!" # icon: "" # author: # # required # name: "Author name" # icon-url: "" # url: "" # footer: # # required # text: "Footer" # icon: "" # image-url: "" # thumbnail-url: "" # fields: # 1: # # required # inline: false # # required # name: "Field1" # # required # value: "Value1" # REQUIRED url: "" auction-start: enabled: true color: "#00DDFF" title: text: "New Auction" fields: "1": inline: false name: Seller value: "%player%" "2": inline: false name: Item value: "%amount%x %item%" "3": inline: false name: Price value: "%price%" auction-buy: enabled: true color: "#00DDFF" title: text: "Item Purchased" fields: "1": inline: true name: Buyer value: "%player%" "2": inline: true name: Seller value: "%seller%" "3": inline: false name: Item value: "%amount%x %item%" "4": inline: true name: Price value: "%price%" # do not change this version: 1


  • currencies: Level: register: true display: raw: "Level" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFlevels" item: material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE name: "&#00DDFFLevel" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" Vault: register: true display: # the way the currency will be shown in the lores of the auction gui gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" # used in the currency switcher and tab completion raw: "Vault" # the item shown in the currency selector item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFVault" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" PlayerPoints: register: true display: raw: "PlayerPoints" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFpoints" item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFPlayerPoints" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" RoyaleEconomy: register: true display: raw: "RoyaleEconomy" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFRoyaleEconomy" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" CoinsEngine: register: true # the name of the currency to use currency-name: "coins" display: raw: "CoinsEngine" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFCoinsEngine" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" UltraEconomy: register: true # the name of the currency to use currency-name: "coins" display: raw: "UltraEconomy" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFUltraEconomy" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" KingdomsX: register: true # the name of the currency to use currency-name: "nexus points" display: raw: "KingdomsX" gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFnexus points" item: material: GOLD_INGOT name: "&#00DDFFKingdomsX" lore: - " " - "&#00DDFF&l(!) &#00DDFFClick here to select!" # do not change this version: 1


  • help: - " " - "&#00DDFF&lAxAuctions Help &7»" - " &7- &f/ah &7| &#00DDFFOpen auction menu" - " &7- &f/ah view &7| &#00DDFFView your auctions" - " &7- &f/ah view [player] &7| &#00DDFFView auctions of a player" - " &7- &f/ah sell <price> [amount] [currency] &7| &#00DDFFSell item" - " &7- &f/ah search [text] &7| &#00DDFFSearch for items by type/name/lore" - " &7- &f/ah history &7| &#00DDFFCheck sell and buy history" - " " admin-help: - " " - "&#00DDFF&lAxAuctions Admin Help &7»" - " &7- &f/ahadmin reload &7| &#00DDFFReload plugin" - " &7- &f/ahadmin history <player> &7| &#00DDFFOpen history GUI" - " &7- &f/ahadmin limit give/set/take/reset <player> <amount> &7| &#00DDFFIncreate limit of player" - " &7- &f/ahadmin convert <plugin> &7| &#00DDFFConvert from another plugin" - " " reload: success: "&#33FF33Plugin successfully reloaded!" failed: "&#FF3333Failed to reload the plugin! Something is wrong in the &f%file%&#FF3333 file, look in the console or use a yaml validator to fix the errors!" item-lore: - "%lore%" - " " - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFPrice: &#AAFFFF%price%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFSeller: &#AAFFFF%seller%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFExpires: &#AAFFFF%expires%" - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFPurchase Item" item-lore-own: - "%lore%" - " " - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFPrice: &#AAFFFF%price%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFExpires: &#AAFFFF%expires%" - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFCancel Auction" history-item-lore: - "%lore%" - " " - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFSeller: &#AAFFFF%seller%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFBuyer: &#AAFFFF%buyer%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFPrice: &#AAFFFF%price%" - " &#999999» &#00DDFFSold Time: &#AAFFFF%time%" - "&#999999&m▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬" sell: limit-reached: "&#FF0000You have reached the auction limit! &7(%current%/%limit%)" no-item: "&#FF0000Hold something in your hand to sell it!" price-too-low: "&#FF0000The price you have set is below the minimum of &f%amount%&#FF0000!" price-too-high: "&#FF0000The price you have set is above the maximum of &f%amount%&#FF0000!" success: "&#33FF33You have successfully put &f%amount% &#33FF33items on the auction house for &f%price%&#33FF33!" # set to "" to disable action-bar-broadcast: "&#00DDFF%player% &fhas started selling &#00DDFF%amount% &fof &#00DDFF%item% &ffor &#00DDFF%price%&f! &#DDDDDD/ah" buy: not-enough-money: "&#FF0000You can't afford this item!" item-not-found: "&#FF0000The item is not found! Somebody must have bought it or the seller cancelled it!" inventory-full: "&#FF0000Your inventory is full!" success: "&#33FF33You have purchased &f%amount%x %item% &#33FF33from the auction house for &f%price%&#33FF33!" notify-seller: "&#00DDFF%player% &fhave purchased your &#00DDFF%amount%x &#00DDFF%item% &ffor &#00DDFF%price% &ffrom the auction house!" # set to "" to disable action-bar-purchase: "&#00DDFF%player% &fhas purchased &#00DDFF%amount% &fof &#00DDFF%item% &ffrom &#00DDFF%seller% &ffor &#00DDFF%price%&f! &#DDDDDD/ah" admin-action: cancelled: "&#00DDFF%staff% &fhas cancelled your &#00DDFF%amount%x &#00DDFF%item% &fin the auction house at &#00DDFF%date%&f!" removed: "&#00DDFF%staff% &fhas removed your &#00DDFF%amount%x &#00DDFF%item% &ffrom the auction house at &#00DDFF%date%&f!" cancelled-info: "&#FF3333You have successfully cancelled the item in the auction house!" removed-info: "&#FF3333You have successfully removed the item from the auction house!" my-items: removed: "&#FF0000You have successfully removed the item from the auction house!" limit-changed: "&#33FF33You have changed &f%player%&#33FF33's limit to &f%amount%&#33FF33!" date-format: "yyyy. MM. dd HH:mm:ss" limit-bypass-icon: "∞" expired: "Expired" blacklisted: "&#FF0000This item is blacklisted!" converting: "&#33FF33Started converter, check the console for more information!" # do not change this version: 1

There are many GUI configs, here is one:


  • title: "&0Auction House (%current_page%/%max_page%)" # a gui can only have 1-6 rows rows: 6 # how many item should be shown on a single page? page-size: 54 # ----- ITEMS ----- my-items: slot: 45 material: "ENDER_CHEST" name: "&#00DDFF&lᴍʏ ɪᴛᴇᴍs" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go" - " &fto the my items page!" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFMy Items Page" # list of sounds: # the sound played when clicking this item # set to "" to disable sound: "" sorting: slot: 46 # only the active item will be shown newest: material: "GLOWSTONE_DUST" name: "&#00DDFF&lsᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ" lore: - " " - " &#00DDFFCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#AAFFAANewest to oldest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBOldest to newest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBCheapest to priciest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBPriciest to cheapest" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFChange Sorting" oldest: material: "REDSTONE" name: "&#00DDFF&lsᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ" lore: - " " - " &#00DDFFCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBNewest to oldest" - " &#444444❙ &#AAFFAAOldest to newest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBCheapest to priciest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBPriciest to cheapest" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFChange Sorting" cheapest: material: "GLOWSTONE_DUST" name: "&#00DDFF&lsᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ" lore: - " " - " &#00DDFFCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBNewest to oldest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBOldest to newest" - " &#444444❙ &#AAFFAACheapest to priciest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBPriciest to cheapest" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFChange Sorting" priciest: material: "REDSTONE" name: "&#00DDFF&lsᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ" lore: - " " - " &#00DDFFCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBNewest to oldest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBOldest to newest" - " &#444444❙ &#BBBBBBCheapest to priciest" - " &#444444❙ &#AAFFAAPriciest to cheapest" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFChange Sorting" sound: "" previous-page: slot: 48 material: "ARROW" name: "&#00DDFF&lᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go back" - " &fto the previous page!" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFPrevious Page" sound: "" refresh: slot: 49 material: "SUNFLOWER" name: "&#00DDFF&lʀᴇғʀᴇsʜ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to" - " &frefresh the page!" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFRefresh Page" sound: "" next-page: slot: 50 material: "ARROW" name: "&#00DDFF&lɴᴇxᴛ ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go" - " &fto the next page!" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFNext Page" sound: "" currency: slot: 52 material: "HOPPER" name: "&#00DDFF&lᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴄʏ" lore: - " " - " &#00DDFFCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#AAFFAA%selected_currency%" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFFChange Currency" # used for the %selected_currency% when none is selected no-currency: "All" sound: "" information: slot: 53 material: "BOOK" name: "&#00DDFF&lɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ" lore: - " " - " &fIn this menu, you can" - " &fsell or buy items!" - " " - "&#AADDFFYou are selling &f%sell_count%/%sell_limit% &#AADDFFitems!" - " " - "&#00DDFF&lSell Items &#DDDDDD» &#AAFFFF/ah sell"
Last modified: 11 January 2025