Don't forget to add AxAuctions to your plugin's plugin.yml, like this:
- AxAuctions
- AxAuctions
Called when the plugin is loaded (!! all hooks must be registered at this event)
Called when someone buys an item
Called before the player puts something on the auction house
When a player puts something on the auction house
Adding your own currency:
Create a new class and make it implement com.artillexstudios.axauctions.hooks.currency.CurrencyHook, it should look something like this:
public class ExampleCurrency implements CurrencyHook {
public void setup() {
// this only gets called once when the hook gets registered
public String getName() {
// the name of your hook, used for the currencies.yml
// this should not contain any special characters - underscores (_) and dashes (-) are fine
return "ExampleCurrency";
public boolean worksOffline() {
// does your hook work with offline players?
return false;
public boolean usesDouble() {
// does your hook work uses double/float or not?
return false;
public boolean isPersistent() {
// should the plugin unregister the hook when the AxAuctions gets reloaded?
// you should keep this on true
return true;
public double getBalance(@NotNull UUID player) {
// your code here
return 0;
public CompletableFuture<Boolean> giveBalance(@NotNull UUID player, double amount) {
CompletableFuture<Boolean> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
// your code here
cf.complete(true); // make sure to return true if the transaction the successfully completed! (or false if it failed) if your plugin doesn't use async tasks, just complete with a true value
return cf;
public CompletableFuture<Boolean> takeBalance(Consumer<Boolean> successful, @NotNull UUID player, double amount) {
CompletableFuture<Boolean> cf = new CompletableFuture<>();
// your code here
cf.complete(true); // make sure to return true if the transaction the successfully completed! (or false if it failed) if your plugin doesn't use async tasks, just complete with a true value
return cf;
Next is, check the currencies.yml, there should be something like this generated for your own currency:
ExampleCurrency: # < the name of your currency
register: true
tax: 0
# the way the currency will be shown in the lores of the auction gui
gui: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins"
# used in the currency switcher and tab completion
raw: "My Currency"
# the item shown in the currency selector
material: GOLD_INGOT
name: "�DDFFMy Currency"
- " "
- "�DDFF&l(!) �DDFFClick here to select!"
Create your implementation for all these methods, after that is done, you will have to register it by using the com.artillexstudios.axauctions.hooks.HookManager.registerCurrencyHook() method, for the plugin parameter give the instance of your plugin's main class.
And if all of this is done, congratulations, you have added a new currency to AxAuctions!