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Adding Booster Hooks

What is a booster hook?

  • It is the base of all boosters, this is what you can add to a booster configuration file (also known as Booster Type)

  • More information: Explanation of Some Words

How to add your own booster hook?

Next, you will have to create a class that implements com.artillexstudios.axboosters.hooks.booster.BoosterHook.

I will also implement the Listener class, because we want to boost XP gained.

public class AxBoostersExample implements Listener, BoosterHook { @Override public Key getKey() { // make sure to use the com.artillexstudios.axboosters.libs.kyori.adventure.key.Key class return Key.key("myplugin", "experience"); } @Override public Material getIcon() { return Material.EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE; } // you should set persistent to true, otherwise AxBoosters will unregister it after a reload @Override public boolean isPersistent() { return true; } @EventHandler public void onEvent(@NotNull PlayerExpChangeEvent event) { int original = event.getAmount(); Player player = event.getPlayer(); User user = UserList.getUser(player); if (user == null) { return; } float boost = user.getBoost(this); if (boost == 1.0f) { return; } // this is the important part, make sure to use the BoosterManager#multiply method int boosted = BoosterManager.multiply(boost, original); if (boosted == original) return; event.setAmount(boosted); } // OPTIONAL: you can also use the apply, unapply instead of using a listener // this is not required, and we could remove this if we are making a booster with a listener @Override public void apply(User user) { } @Override public void unapply(User user) { } }

Next, you will have to register the hook! (instance should be your main class' instance) You can only load booster hooks right when the plugin is being loaded, so make sure to listen to the AxBoostersLoadEvent event.

public class AxBoostersHook implements Listener { @EventHandler public void onLoad(AxBoostersLoadEvent event) { final AxBoostersExample booster = new AxBoostersExample(); // register the booster AxBoostersAPI.registerBoosterHook(instance, booster); // if you use a listener, you will have to register it getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(booster, instance); } }

Make sure to register the listener, you should set up the listener in your onEnable() method, so it works right when your plugin loads, this is very important!

@Override public void onEnable() { // it also might be a good idea to make sure that axboosters is loaded getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new AxBoostersHook(), this); }

And If this is done, restart the server and you can use the booster, using the name specified:

boosted: - myplugin:experience

You can also customize some other stuff in the plugins/AxBoosters/hooks.yml file, your hook should be automatically added if it was registered successfully.

That's all! Just start the server and everything should work! Activate the booster and test it: /axboosteradmin activateserver <BOOSTER TYPE> 100 10m (this command starts +100% global server booster for 10 minutes, you can use other commands)

Full example source code

Last modified: 29 January 2025