Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

Supported Plugins

Booster Hooks


vanilla:damage vanilla:flight vanilla:flyspeed vanilla:experience

Potion effect booster hooks:


  • all the vanilla potions work (from /effects)


  • instead of multipliers, they are amplifiers

  • for example, a potion with +200% multiplier will be a lvl 3 potion (because +0-99% is lvl 1)

  • examples: Night Vision, Jump Boost, Speed, Haste & many more

Attribute booster hooks:


  • all the attributes work (from /attribute)

  • (note that a lot of attributes are only available on 1.21)

  • examples: Mining Speed, Walking Speed, Player Scale & many more

Third party

alonsolevels:experience auraskills:experience aureliumskills:experience axgens:sell_money axsellwands:sell_money battlepass:experience cmi:sell_money cyberlevels:experience # read note #1 below deluxesellwands:sell_money ecojobs:experience economyshopgui:sell_money ecoskills:experience ecoshop:sell_money essentials:sell_money jobsreborn:experience jobsreborn:money jobsreborn:points mcmmo:experience mmocore:experience playerpoints:point_change rivalharvesterhoes:essence rivalharvesterhoes:experience rivalpickaxes:essence rivalpickaxes:experience rivalfishingrods:essence rivalfishingrods:experience rivalmobswords:essence rivalmobswords:experience sellwand:sell_money shopguiplus:sell_money # read note #2 below supermobcoins:mobcoin tmmobcoins:mobcoin valhallammo:experience ultimatemobcoins:mobcoin wildchests:sell_money
  • #1 CyberLevels requires you to use our fork!

  • #2 The ShopGui SellGui extension does NOT work with this booster; however, we can provide you a modified jar that will work, on our discord. Why? The sellgui does not call the ShopGuiPlus API sell event, which is what AxBoosters is listening for.

Team Hooks

  • BentoBox

  • IridiumSkyBlock

  • SuperiorSkyBlock

  • KingdomsX

  • BetterTeams

  • UltimateClans

Some plugins that we will never be able to add: (there are some exceptions to these)

  • economy plugin like vault, as they only manage the economy, not give currency to players (however, we can add other plugins, like shop plugins)

  • we can't boost commands, (what could command * 1.5 look like?) time based things (like reward cooldowns)

  • closed source plugins without a public API jar

  • plugins that only have give/pay commands, because we can't prevent abusing boosts by paying currency to each other

Last modified: 06 February 2025