Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

AxCoupons 🛠️

What is AxCoupons?

  • A feature rich redeemable coupon / voucher plugin with multi server support.


Most Important Features

  • H2 and MySQL support: With MySQL you can use the plugin on multiple servers at once

  • Unlimited Coupons: You can create as many coupons as you want

  • Per Coupon Messages and Settings: You can create custom messages for all the coupons

  • One-Time and Reloading Coupons: Make coupons that can only be redeemed once or set a cooldown and make it redeemable multiple times after a specific cooldown image_47.png

  • Permission Requirement: Make it that coupons require a permission to redeem

  • IP Limits: Set an IP limit for coupons to prevent abuse

  • Automatically Timed Coupons: It is possible to set a start and/or end date for coupons and they will only be redeemable in this timespan

  • Command and Item Rewards: You can create an unlimited number of command and item rewards

  • Customizable: You can change all messages and sounds

Last modified: 01 November 2024