Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



  • # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: name: "&#7700FFExample Auction" locations: spawn: null display: null npcs: entrance: enabled: true location: null skin-base64: "" name: - "&#D200FFDark Auction Guard" - "&#DDDDDDᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ" exit: enabled: true location: null skin-base64: "" name: - "&#D200FFDark Auction Guard" - "&#DDDDDDᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ" auctioneer: enabled: true location: null skin-base64: "" name: - "&#D200FFAuctioneer" # how many players are needed for a dark auction to start & what is the limit? players: minimum: 0 # set to -1 to make it unlimited maximum: -1 # this is a way to set per auction times # go to the config.yml for the global settings # uncomment lines that you want to override for the auction times: # start-wait-time: 60 # show-time: 5 # bid-time: 15 # extend-bid-time: true # extend-time: 8 # time-between-bids: 5 # end-wait-time: 30 display: enabled: true block: material: GLASS glow: false preview-lines: - "%item%" - "&fꜱᴛᴀʀᴛɪɴɢ ʙɪᴅ: &#D200FF%bid%" - "&fʙɪᴅᴅɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛꜱ: &#D200FF%time% ⌚" - "&#D200FFClick to view bidding!" bidding-lines: - "%item%" - "&fʜɪɢʜᴇꜱᴛ ʙɪᴅ: &#D200FF%bid%" - "&fʙɪᴅᴅɪɴɢ ᴇɴᴅꜱ: &#D200FF%time% ⌚" - "&#D200FFClick to view bidding!" # how many items should be sold at a single dark auction? # this can be a single number or a range (= the item amount will be randomly selected between the 2 numbers) sell-item-amount: "3-5" # what items should be sold at the dark auction? # chances can go over 100% # you can add as many items as you would like items: - chance: 50.0 starting-price: currency: "Vault" amount: 100.0 display: name: "&#AAAAAA1x Iron Ingot" material: iron_ingot commands: - "give %player% iron_ingot 1" - chance: 25.0 starting-price: currency: "Vault" amount: 100.0 display: name: "&#88FFFF1x Diamond" material: diamond items: - amount: 1 material: diamond


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: title: "&0&lDark Auction > &0Bidding" # a gui can have 1-6 rows rows: 6 # ----- ITEMS ----- filler: material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: " " slot: - "0-53" item: slot: 3 clock: slot: 5 material: CLOCK name: "&#D200FF&lBidding" lore: - " " - " &#DDDDDD- &fEnds in: &#D200FF%time% seconds" - " " # it is important to put these slots in the order that you want them to go! # X|Y - vertical range, for example 18|45 selects slots: 18, 27, 36, 45 # X-Y - horizontal range, for example 45-47 selects slots: 45, 46, 47 bid-slots: - "18|45" - "46" - "47|20" - "21" - "22|49" - "50" - "51|24" - "25" - "26|53" bidding: already-higher: # by default, player head will use the bidder player's head material: BARRIER name: "&#D200FFBid &#7700FF%amount%" lore: - " " - "&#D200FF&l> &#D200FFSomebody already bid more than this amount!" current-bid: # by default, player head will use the bidder player's head material: PLAYER_HEAD name: "&#D200FFBid &#7700FF%amount%" lore: - " " - " &#DDDDDD- &#D200FF%player% &falready bid this amount!" - " " - "&#D200FF&l> &#D200FFYou can't bid because there is already a bid at this amount!" bid: # by default, the material will be used from the config.yml (check 'bidding' section) based on the money amount name: "&#D200FFBid &#7700FF%amount%" lore: - " " - "&#D200FF&l> &#D200FFClick here to place your bid!"


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: title: "&0&lDark Auction > &0Next Bid" # a gui can have 1-6 rows rows: 3 # ----- ITEMS ----- filler: material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: " " slot: - "0-26" gray: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: " " slot: - "10-12" - "14-16" item: slot: 11 clock: slot: 15 material: CLOCK name: "&#D200FF&lBidding" lore: - " " - " &#DDDDDD- &fStarts in: &#D200FF%time% seconds" - " " - "&#D200FF&l> &#D200FFGet ready!"


  • # DOCUMENTATION: prefix: "<gradient:#7700FF:#FF00FF><b>AxDarkAuctions</b></gradient> &7» " # format: language_COUNTRY # after changing this, the server will download the default item names language: en_US # should you be able to put more money on the auction, even if you are already winning? allow-increasing-own-bid: true # should the bidding gui open when a new item is ready to be bid on? automatically-open-bidding: true # should the item preview gui open? automatically-open-preview: true # if this is disabled, you will not be able to join the auction while it is running allow-joining-after-start: true # you must define at least 1 # requires a restart to update command-aliases: - "axdarkauctions" - "axda" - "da" - "darkauctions" - "darkauction" # these are all in seconds times: # the time before the first item is being shown start-wait-time: 60 # when the item gets shown, but it is not yet biddable show-time: 5 # the length that the item can be bid on bid-time: 15 # if the bid would end in is less than X seconds, but somebody # outbids the leader, should the timer be increased back to X seconds? extend-bid-time: true # if someone bids under this many seconds, the timer will jump back to this amount extend-time: 8 # after a bid winner is announced, how long of a wait should there be until the next bid? time-between-bids: 5 # the time after the last bid ends before players get kicked out end-wait-time: 30 # the number is the bid amount where this will start to get used # increase is how much the money amount will grow between 2 bids bidding: 0: material: IRON_INGOT increase: 100 10000: material: GOLD_INGOT increase: 1000 100000: material: DIAMOND increase: 10000 1000000: material: EMERALD increase: 100000 10000000: material: NETHERITE_INGOT increase: 1000000 number-formatting: # modes: # 0 - formatted (customizable, look at the formatted part) # 1 - short (1K) # 2 - raw (1000.4242421412) mode: 0 # formatted: "#,###.##" # format: language_COUNTRY short: "en_US" # 1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35 # 2 - short format, for example 20m # 3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s timer-format: 1 # should be plugin notify you if there is a new update? update-notifier: # if enabled, it will display the message in the console enabled: true # if enabled, it will broadcast the update message to all players who have the <plugin-name>.update-notify permission on-join: true # do not change version: 1


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # you can create your own currencies by using placeholders # make sure that none of the placeholders have any formatting on them # requires PlaceholderAPI placeholder-currencies: Example-Currency: register: false # if the currency uses whole numbers, then disable this # 100.5 - true # 100 - false uses-double: true # if the placeholder gets parsed even for offline players, enable this works-offline: false name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFmoney" settings: raw-placeholder: "%vault_eco_balance_fixed%" give-command: "eco give %player% %amount%" take-command: "eco take %player% %amount%" # supported currencies currencies: Experience: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFexperience" Vault: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" PlayerPoints: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFpoints" RoyaleEconomy: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" KingdomsX: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFnexus points" RivalHarvesterHoes: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFessence" SuperMobCoins: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFmobcoin" TheOnly-MobCoins: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFmobcoin" TokenManager: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFtoken" AxQuestBoard: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFquest points" BeastTokens: register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFtokens" AxMobCoins: # this plugin is unreleased, so don't search for it! register: true name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFmobcoin" CoinsEngine: register: true # CoinsEngine supports multiple currencies, so you can also add multiple here # "coins" is the name of the currency coins: name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" EcoBits: register: true # EcoBits supports multiple currencies, so you can also add multiple here # "crystals" is the name of the currency crystals: name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcrystals" RedisEconomy: register: true # RedisEconomy supports multiple currencies, so you can also add multiple here # "coins" is the name of the currency coins: name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" UltraEconomy: register: true # UltraEconomy supports multiple currencies, so you can also add multiple here # "coins" is the name of the currency coins: name: "&f%price% &#AAFFFFcoins" # do not change this version: 1


  • # DOCUMENTATION: admin-help: - " " - "<gradient:#7700FF:#FF00FF><b>AxDarkAuctions</b></gradient> &7»" - " &7- &f/axda join [auction] &7| &#D200FFJoin dark auction!" - " &7- &f/axda leave &7| &#D200FFLeave dark auction!" - " &7- &f/axda reload &7| &#D200FFReload plugin" - " &7- &f/axda create <name> &7| &#D200FFCreate new dark auction" - " &7- &f/axda delete <auction> &7| &#D200FFDelete dark auction" - " &7- &f/axda editor <auction> &7| &#D200FFOpen editor" - " &7- &f/axda schedulers &7| &#D200FFEdit schedulers" - " &7- &f/axda start <auction> &7| &#D200FFStart dark auction" - " &7- &f/axda stop <auction> &7| &#D200FFStop dark auction" - " &7- &f/axda forcejoin <auction> <player> &7| &#D200FFMake player join dark auction" - " " player-help: - " " - "<gradient:#7700FF:#FF00FF><b>AxDarkAuctions</b></gradient> &7»" - " &7- &f/axda join [auction] &7| &#D200FFJoin dark auction!" - " &7- &f/axda leave &7| &#D200FFLeave dark auction!" - " &7- &f/axda info [auction] &7| &#D200FFShow when the dark auction starts!" - " " time: second: "s" minute: "m" hour: "h" day: "d" reload: success: "&#33FF33Plugin successfully reloaded!" failed: "&#FF3333Failed to reload the plugin! Something is wrong in the &f%file%&#FF3333 file, look in the console or use a yaml validator to fix the errors!" start: "&#00FF00You have started the &f%auction% &#00FF00dark auction!" stop: "&#00FF00You have stopped the &f%auction% &#00FF00dark auction!" created: "&#00FF00You have successfully created the &f%auction% &#00FF00dark auction! &#DDDDDDUse the &f/axda editor %auction% &#DDDDDDto edit!" deleted: "&#FF0000You have deleted the &f%auction% &#FF0000dark auction!" joined: "&#D200FFYou have joined the &f%auction% &#D200FFdark auction!" left: "&#D200FFYou have left the &f%auction% &#D200FFdark auction!" info: "&#D200FFThe next dark auction will be in &f%time%&#D200FF!" starting: - " " - "&#D200FFThe &f%display-name% &#D200FFdark auction is starting in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" - "&#DDDDDDJoin with /darkauctions join %name% or find the NPC!" - " " broadcasts: starting: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThe dark auction is starting in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" started: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThe dark auction is starting! Get ready!" ended: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThere are no more items to be auctioned! Today's dark auction is over, come back next time! Leave or you will be teleported out in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" waiting: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThe next item will be announced in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" showing: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThe next item that you can bid for is: &f%item%&#D200FF, the starting price is: &f%amount%&#D200FF! The bidding will start in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" bidding: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFThe bidding has started for the following item: &f%item%&#D200FF, at the starting price of &f%amount%&#D200FF! The winner will be announced in &f%time% &#D200FFseconds!" bid: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &f%player% &#D200FFhas bid &f%amount%&#D200FF! There are still &f%time% &#D200FFseconds left!" no-bidders: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &#D200FFNobody has bid on the item &f%item%&#D200FF!" winner: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &f%player% &#D200FFhas won the &f%item% &#D200FFfor &f%amount%&#D200FF!" cheater: "&#7700FF&lAuctioneer &7» &f%player% &#D200FFtried to cheat the auction, so the bidding will be restarted!" join: "&#00FF00+ &#DDDDDD%player% joined!" leave: "&#FF0000- &#DDDDDD%player% left!" errors: disallowed: "&#FF0000You can't do that while you are in a dark auction!" already-in: "&#FF0000You are already in a dark auction!" not-in: "&#FF0000You are not in a dark auction!" not-found: "&#FF0000The auction does not exist!" already-running: "&#FF0000The dark auction is already running!" not-running: "&#FF0000The dark auction is not running!" already-exists: "&#FF0000There is already an auction with the name &f%auction%&#FF0000!" full: "&#FF0000The &f%auction% &#FF0000dark auction is full! &#DDDDDD(%players%/%max%)" banned: "&#FF0000You have been banned from this dark auction for not having enough money to pay the bid!" started: "&#FF0000You can't join because the dark auction has already started!" already-higher: "&#FF0000The current highest bid is already higher than &f%amount%&#FF0000!" already-winning: "&#FF0000You are already the top bidder!" not-enough-balance: "&#FF0000You can afford to bid &f%amount%&#FF0000, you only have &f%balance%&#FF0000!" commands: invalid-value: "&#FF0000Invalid parameter: &#BB0000%value%" invalid-command: "&#FF0000Invalid command or subcommand!" missing-argument: "&#FF0000Missing argument! You must specify a value for &#BB0000%value%&#FF0000." no-permission: "&#FF0000You don't have permission to access this command!" out-of-range: "&#FF0000The &#BB0000%number% &#FF0000must be between &#BB0000%min% &#FF0000and &#BB0000%max%&#FF0000!" player-only: "&#FF0000You must be a player to use this command!" invalid-player: "&#FF0000The player &#BB0000%player% &#FF0000can not be found!" invalid-selector: "&#FF0000You can not use this selector in this command!" update-notifier: "&#D200FFThere is a new version of AxDarkAuctions available! &#DDDDDD(&#FFFFFFcurrent: &#FF0000%current% &#DDDDDD| &#FFFFFFlatest: &#00FF00%latest%&#DDDDDD)" # do not change version: 1


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # list of timezones: # keep on 'server' to use the server machine's timezone # some examples: Europe/Paris, America/New_York timezone: "server" # this uses the usual CRON format # generator: # the format is: # <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <day of week> # you can use '*'-s to make it run all the time when the other rules also match # you can make as many scheduler as you would like example: times: - "0 18 * * *" # this will run at hour 18 (6pm), minute 0, every day # if 'random' is enabled, a random auction will start from the list # otherwise, all the auctions listed will be started # note: random scheduler will be ignored in placeholders random: false # list of dark auctions that will be activated auctions: - "example" # do not change version: 1
Last modified: 16 February 2025