Chance-Based Drops
Normal single drop:
# the sell price only works if hooks.price-plugin is set to "builtin"
sell-price: 50.0
# you can customize the item, you can even remove its lore/name
material: WHEAT
name: "&#FFCC00&lWHEAT"
- ""
- " &7- &fSell price: !FF33%sell-price%$"
- ""
Chance-based multi-drops:
The chances don't have to add up to 100%
You can add as many as you wish
Currently, ONLY the first item is used in placeholders, but ofc you don't have to use placeholders like %drop-name% and %drop-material%
# chances don't have to add up to 100%
- chance: 90.0
# the sell price only works if hooks.price-plugin is set to "builtin"
sell-price: 50.0
# you can customize the item, you can even remove its lore/name
material: WHEAT
name: "&#FFCC00&lWHEAT"
- ""
- " &7- &fSell price: !FF33%sell-price%$"
- ""
- chance: 10.0
sell-price: 100.0
material: HAY_BLOCK
name: "&#FFCC00&lHAY BALE"
- ""
- " &7- &fSell price: !FF33%sell-price%$"
- ""
Last modified: 28 April 2024