Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



default-max-generators: (default: 5)

  • The starting generator limit

  • Note: the axgens.limit.<AMOUNT> permission will be added on top of this

  • In team mode, this setting is only applied once (not for every member)

  • You can give more with the /axgens slots give <\player> <\amount> command

generator-min-distance (default: 0.0)

  • The minimum distance that 2 generators can have between each other.

pickup-to-inv (default: true)

  • Should generators be put in your inventory when you break one?

only-owner-interact (default: false)

  • if true: only the generator's owner and people with the permission axgens.admin will be able to interact with generators

  • if false: everyone who can break blocks at the generator's location will be able to upgrade or pick up the generator

  • you should enable this if aren't using a supported protection plugin

hologram-update-speed (default: 1)

  • How often should the generator's holograms should update?

  • Note: this value is in ticks 1 seconds = 20 tick

sell-command (default: true)

  • Should the /selldrops command be enabled?

  • You should disable this if you are using another plugin for the prices

force-register-sell (default: false)

  • Forces the /sell command to be the /selldrops

  • This is only recommended if you can't disable other plugins' /sell

simple-sell-command.enabled (default: false)

  • Enabling this will remove the help from /selldrops and makes it run a sell action if it is used without any arguments

  • For example if it is enabled and the action is set to all, when the player runs /selldrops, it will default to /selldrops all

simple-sell-command.action (default: all)

  • Possible options: all, hand, handall

level-requirements (default: true)

  • Should the level system be active?

  • Note: you will also have to delete some lines from the tiers.yml if you don't want levels to show up

require-level-for-placement (default: false)

  • NOTE: if level-requirements is disabled, this will be ignored

  • If enabled, players will need the required level not only to buy the generators, but also to place them down

  • If disabled, levels will only the used to purchase generators from the generator shop

right-click-upgrading (default: true)

  • Should generators get upgraded when you shift right click on it?

enable-gui (default: true)

  • Should the GUI be opened when you right click a generator?

timer-format (default: 1)

  • This format is used for the axgens_nextevent placeholder. There are 3 modes:

    • 1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35

    • 2 - short format, for example 20m

    • 3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s

speed-display (default: 1)

  • The time shown in generator lores, holograms, etc. There are 3 modes:

    • 1 - ticks

    • 2 - seconds

    • 3 - miliseconds

number-formatting.mode (default: 0)

  • 0 - formatted (customizable, look at the formatted part)

  • 1 - short (1K)

  • 2 - raw (1000.4242421412)

number-formatting.formatted (default: #,###.##)

number-formatting.short (default: en_US)

  • format: language_COUNTRY

offline-generation (default: true)

  • Should generators work when the owner is offline?

prevent-drop-usage (default: false)

  • If enabled, it will add an extra NBT tag to all drops, and pevents the dropped items from being placed or crafted.

generator-limit-hard-cap (default: -1)

  • Allows you to set a hard cap to generator slots, that is not bypassable not even with permissions.

  • Set to -1 to disable.

generator-price-calculation (default: %next-price% - %current-price%)

  • You can customize the formula of generator upgrade prices, for example if don't want to allow people to save money on upgrades, you can set it to simply %next-price%

  • It is possible to use math for this, for example (%next-price% - %current-price%) * 0.8 will make it cheaper to upgrade gens, while the shop prices will be unaffected.

break-mode (default: false)


Last modified: 01 December 2024