despawn-time-seconds (default: 180)
How many seconds should graves stay on the ground?
Set to -1 to make it only despawn after a server restart
drop-items (default: true)
Should items be dropped on the ground if a grave expires?
dropped-item-velocity (default: true)
If set to false, all items will stay on the same block, they will not fly around when a grave expires.
This setting only works if
is set to true
enable-instant-pickup (default: true)
Should any player have the ability to instantly clear all items from the grave?
instant-pickup-only-own (default: false)
Should ONLY the player who died should be able to instantly clear all items from the grave?
override-keep-inventory (default: true)
Should we also spawn graves for players who have keep inventory?
if false, the plugin will ignore these players
hologram-height (default: 0.75)
The height of the hologram above the grave
head-height (default: -1.2)
The height of the grave (player head)
If for some reason a few client would see the grave in the ground you should try to either change this or check out viaversion's
Worlds where players won't spawn a grave and the vanilla behavior will be active
rotate-head-360 (default: true)
True: the head can face in all the 360 degrees
False: the head can face in only 4 directions (north, east, south, west)
auto-rotation.enabled (default: false)
Should the heads rotate around like items on the ground?
auto-rotation.speed (default: 10.0)
is enabled, how fast should the heads spin?
interact-only-own (default: false)
If true: only the person who died and people with axgraves.admin can open the grave
If false: everyone can open the grave
xp-keep-percentage (default: 1.0)
How much XP should the player keep on death?
This is a percentage, so setting this to 0.5 will half the xp kept.
store-xp (default: true)
Should the plugin store XP in graves?
If disabled, XP will be dropped on the ground
grave-item-order (values: ARMOR, HAND, OFFHAND)
What order should items go in the grave?
Some players prefer if they get the armor first and not the sword.
auto-equip-armor (default: true)
Should the armor be equipped when collecting the grave?
grave-limit (default: -1)
How many graves can a player have at once?
If the player hits the limit, the oldest grave will be removed.
Allows you to define the maximum and minimum Y coordinate that a grave can spawn at in a specific world.
If players die from any of the following, no graves will be spawned
Link to the list of death causes. Note that some of them don't exist in older versions
Case sensitive
despawn-when-empty (default: true)
Should the grave despawn when all the items & xp is removed from it?
Items that match will be removed when the player dies from the grave
You can also define a material and a name-contains subsection