AxLobby 🛠️
What is AxLobby?
A feature rich lobby plugin with easily customizable modules.

Most Important Features
Modular design: Easily turn off features you don't need and make them use 0 resources
20+ modules: The plugin comes with a lot of modules and more are planned.
Command Aliases
Launch Pads
Join Actions
Special Items: Ender Bow, Grappling Hook, Fun Gun, Ender Pearl Rider, Player Hider
Items can have cooldowns using vanilla mechanics
Menu System: Create unlimited menus with auto updating placeholders
Customize Join & Leave Messages
Scoreboard (+ show different scoreboard if player has permission)
Customizable Tablist (+ show different tab if player has permission)
No dependencies, the plugin works out of the box without any other plugin
Join Action Bars & Titles
BossBar: Rotating bossbars, working progress bar
Custom chat prefixes
Moderation Tools: /clearchat and /lockchat
Anti Swear System: Block swear words
Anti Spam: Block and punish spammers
Command Blacklist and Whitelist with simplified regex support
Void spawn: Make players teleport to the spawn if they fall below a certain Y level
Protection: The plugin protects against all kinds of actions (customizable)
Double Jump: Allow players to use double jump in the lobby
Easy to Use Actions System