Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



  • # DOCUMENTATION: prefix: "<gradient:#33EEBB:#3388BB><b>AxPlayerWarps</b></gradient> &7» " database: # options: h2, mysql, postgresql type: "h2" # you only need to touch these when using mysql or postgresql address: port: 3306 database: admin username: admin password: 'admin' pool: maximum-pool-size: 10 minimum-idle: 10 maximum-lifetime: 1800000 keepalive-time: 0 connection-timeout: 5000 # you must define at least 1 # requires a restart to update main-command-aliases: - "axplayerwarps" - "axpw" - "pw" - "playerwarps" - "playerwarp" - "pwarp" - "pwarps" # requires a restart to update admin-command-aliases: - "axplayerwarpsadmin" - "axpwadmin" - "pwadmin" - "playerwarpsadmin" - "playerwarpadmin" - "pwarpadmin" - "pwarpsadmin" warp-creation-cost: # should creating warps cost money? enabled: false # ask player for a confirmation to make sure # that they are aware of the price of the warp creation confirm: true # price of creation price: 1000 # currencies are defined in the currencies.yml currency: Vault warp-naming: # allowing spaces might make it hard to tab complete warps allow-spaces: false length: min: 1 max: 16 # which material should we use if the player doesn't define an icon for their warp? # PLAYER_HEAD will default to the owner's skull (note: sometimes it may not load) default-material: "PLAYER_HEAD" # how much time do players have to confirm if a warp is unsafe or paid confirmation-milliseconds: 10000 # how many seconds before the player gets teleported? # if they move, the teleport will be cancelled # you can bypass this with the axplayerwarps.delay-bypass permission teleport-delay-seconds: 3 warp-description: # how many line of description can players write for their pwarp? max-lines: 3 default: "No description provided." # example values: categories, warps # if you want to disable categories, make sure to change this to warps default-gui: "categories" # commands that will be run when a player teleports to a warp # you can use all warp placeholders (like %name%, %x%, %y%, %x%, etc..) and %player% for the player's name # example: # - "say %player% teleported to the %name% player warp!" # make sure to remove the [] to enable this feature teleport-commands: [] # to disable categories you can set this to [] # also make sure to remove the category selector from the gui # # you can add/remove categories here categories: building: name: "Building" shop: name: "Shop" farm: name: "Farm" pvp: name: "PvP" event: name: "Event" fun: name: "Fun" special: name: "Special" other: name: "Other" # this is all the possible sorting that you can enable/disable # forwards: it goes in the original direction, for example forwards rating = it will go from the highest rating to the lowest rating # backwards: it goes in the opposite direction, for example backwards rating = it will go from the lowest rating to the highest rating # if you disable any of them, it will not show up in the sorting button # you can define the default by setting default to true, NOTE that only 1 sorting can be the default! sorting: alphabetical: forwards: enabled: true default: true name: "A to Z" backwards: enabled: true name: "Z to A" visits: forwards: enabled: true name: "Most visits" backwards: enabled: true name: "Least visits" rating: forwards: enabled: true name: "Highest rating" backwards: enabled: true name: "Lowest rating" rating_count: forwards: enabled: true name: "Most rated" backwards: enabled: true name: "Least rated" favorites: forwards: enabled: true name: "Most favorited" backwards: enabled: true name: "Least favorited" distance: forwards: enabled: true name: "Closest" backwards: enabled: true name: "Furthest" creation_date: forwards: enabled: true name: "Newest" backwards: enabled: true name: "Oldest" # # some examples: # - day/month/year (most used) format: dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss # - month/day/year (usa) format: MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss a # - year/month/day (default) format: yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss date-format: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" # 1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35 # 2 - short format, for example 20m # 3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s timer-format: 1 # should be plugin notify you if there is a new update? update-notifier: # if enabled, it will display the message in the console enabled: true # if enabled, it will broadcast the update message to all players who have the <plugin-name>.update-notify permission on-join: true # prints out a lot of random information about the plugin in the console # only use if the developers ask you for this debug: false # do not change this version: 3


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # you can create your own currencies by using placeholders # make sure that none of the placeholders have any formatting on them # requires PlaceholderAPI placeholder-currencies: Example-Currency: register: false name: "money" # if the currency uses whole numbers, then disable this # 100.5 - true # 100 - false uses-double: true # if the placeholder gets parsed even for offline players, enable this works-offline: false settings: raw-placeholder: "%vault_eco_balance_fixed%" give-command: "eco give %player% %price%" take-command: "eco take %player% %price%" # INFO FOR MULTI CURRENCY PLUGINS: (like: coinsengine, ultraeconomy, rediseconomy) # - you can enable as many currencies as you want, just add the sections the same way as in the example currencies: Experience: register: true name: "%price% exp" Vault: register: true name: "%price% money" PlayerPoints: register: true name: "%price% points" RoyaleEconomy: register: true name: "%price% money" CoinsEngine: register: true enabled: - currency-name: "coins" name: "%price% coins" - currency-name: "money" name: "%price% money" UltraEconomy: register: true enabled: - currency-name: "coins" name: "%price% coins" KingdomsX: register: true name: "%price% nexus points" RivalHarvesterHoes: register: true name: "%price% essence" SuperMobCoins: register: true name: "%price% mobcoin" TheOnly-MobCoins: register: true name: "%price% mobcoins" TokenManager: register: true name: "%price% tokens" AxQuestBoard: register: true name: "%price% quest points" RedisEconomy: register: true enabled: - currency-name: "coins" name: "%price% coins" BeastTokens: register: true name: "%price% tokens" EcoBits: register: true enabled: - currency-name: "crystals" name: "%price% crystals" # do not change this version: 1


  • # DOCUMENTATION: help: - " " - "<gradient:#33EEBB:#3388BB><b>AxPlayerWarps</b></gradient> &7» &#BBFFDDHelp:" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw [open] [player] &7| &#BBFFDDOpen warp menu" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw create <name> &7| &#BBFFDDCreate warp" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw delete <warp> &7| &#BBFFDDDelete warp" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw edit <warp> &7| &#BBFFDDOpen warp editor" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw warp <warp> &7| &#BBFFDDTeleport to warp" - " &7⋆ &f/axpw info <warp> &7| &#BBFFDDWarp information" - " " admin-help: - " " - "<gradient:#33EEBB:#3388BB><b>AxPlayerWarps</b></gradient> &7» &#BBFFDDAdmin Help:" - " &7⋆ &f/axpwadmin reload &7| &#BBFFDDReload plugin" - " &7⋆ &f/axpwadmin delete <warp> &7| &#BBFFDDDelete warp" - " &7⋆ &f/axpwadmin setowner <warp> <player> &7| &#BBFFDDSet owner of warp" - " " access: private: "&#EE0000Private" whitelisted: "&#EEEE00Whitelisted" public: "&#00EE00Public" placeholders: no-category: "---" free: "Free" no-rating: "No Rating" star: bright: "&#FFFF00⭐" dark: "&#DDDDDD⭐" no-search: "---" warp-not-found: "Warp not found" info: - "&#BBFFDD===== &#33EEBB&l%name% &#BBFFDD=====" - " " - " &#33EEBBDescription:" - " &#444444❙ &f%description%" - " " - " &#33EEBBInformation" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDOwner: &f%owner%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDCreated: &f%created%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDLocation: &f%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDCategory: &f%category%" - " " - " &#33EEBBStatistics" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDVisits: &f%visitors_unique%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDRating: &#FFDD00%rating_stars%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDFavorite of: &f%favorites% players" - " " - " &#33EEBBCost of teleporting: &#BBFFDD%price%" - " &#33EEBBAccess: &#BBFFDD%access%" - " " - "&#BBFFDD===== &#33EEBB&l%name% &#BBFFDD=====" create: created: "&#BBFFDDYou have successfully created the &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp!" confirm: "&#BBFFDDCreating a warp will cost you &#33EEBB%price%&#BBFFDD! If you still want to create the warp, type this command again!" whitelist: clear: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed all players from the whitelist!" remove: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed &#33EEBB%player% &#BBFFDDfrom the whitelist!" add: "&#BBFFDDYou have added &#33EEBB%player% &#BBFFDDto the whitelist!" blacklist: clear: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed all players from the blacklist!" remove: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed &#33EEBB%player% &#BBFFDDfrom the blacklist!" add: "&#BBFFDDYou have added &#33EEBB%player% &#BBFFDDto the blacklist!" search: show: "&#BBFFDDShowing search results for &#33EEBB%search%&#BBFFDD!" reset: "&#BBFFDDDisabled search!" rate: add: "&#BBFFDDYou have added a &#33EEBB%rating% &#BBFFDDstar review to this warp!" remove: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed your rating of this warp!" favorite: add: "&#BBFFDDYou have added the warp to your favorites!" remove: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed this warp from your favorites!" editor: update-location: "&#BBFFDDYou have changed the warp's location!" update-name: "&#BBFFDDYou have changed the warp's name!" update-icon: "&#BBFFDDYou have changed the warp's icon!" remove-icon: "&#BBFFDDYou have removed the warp's icon!" transferred: "&#BBFFDDYou have transferred the warp's ownership to &#33EEBB%player%&#BBFFDD!" new-owner: "&#33EEBB%player% &#BBFFDDhas transferred the ownership of the &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp to you!" delete: deleted: "&#BBFFDDYou have deleted the &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp!" teleport: success: "&#BBFFDDYou have successfully teleported to the &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp!" in: "&#BBFFDDYou will be teleported in &#33EEBB%seconds% &#BBFFDDseconds! Do not move!" confirm: unsafe: "&#BBFFDDThe &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp is &#FF0000&nnot safe&#BBFFDD! Warp again to confirm if you still want to teleport!" paid: "&#BBFFDDTeleporting to the &#33EEBB%warp% &#BBFFDDwarp is going to cost &#33EEBB%price%&#BBFFDD! Warp again to confirm if you still want to teleport!" money: take: "&#33EEBB%price% &#BBFFDDwas removed from your balance!" got: "&#BBFFDDYou have withdrawn &#33EEBB%price% &#BBFFDDfrom the warp's bank!" admin: deleted: "&#FF4444You have deleted the &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444warp!" setowner: "&#FF4444You have transferred the &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444warp to &#FF0000%player%&#FF4444!" errors: disallowed-name-space: "&#FF4444The given warp name cannot contain spaces!" disallowed-name-length: "&#FF4444The length of the given warp name is too short or too long!" blacklist-self: "&#FF4444You can't blacklist yourself!" whitelist-self: "&#FF4444You can't whitelist yourself!" player-not-found: "&#FF4444This player has never played on the server!" not-a-number: "&#FF4444The given value is not a valid number!" must-be-positive: "&#FF4444The given value is not a positive number!" invalid-name: "&#FF4444The given name is not valid." name-exists: "&#FF4444A warp with this name already exists." max-lines: "&#FF4444You can not add more lines to the warp's description!" not-enough-balance: "&#FF4444You do not have enough money to teleport to this warp!" create-not-enough-currency: "&#FF4444You need to have &#FF0000%price% &#FF4444to create a warp!" cannot-create-here: "&#FF4444You can't create a warp here, because it is in a protected area." blacklisted: "&#FF4444You can not teleport to the &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444warp, because you are blacklisted!" whitelisted: "&#FF4444You can not teleport to the &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444warp, because it is whitelisted and you are not on the whitelist!" private: "&#FF4444The &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444is currently set to private, only the owner can teleport to it!" invalid-world: "&#FF4444Teleport failed, this warp is in a world that does not exist anymore!" moved: "&#FF4444You have moved, so the teleport was cancelled!" not-found: "&#FF4444Warp with name &#FF0000%warp% &#FF4444not found!" limit-reached: "&#FF4444You have reached the warp limit, you can not create any more warps! &#FF4444(&#FF0000%current%&#FF4444/&#EE0000%limit%&#FF4444)" nothing-withdrawable: "&#FF4444There is no money to be withdrawn!" not-your-warp: "&#FF4444This is not your warp!" time: second: "s" minute: "m" hour: "h" day: "d" converting: "&#33FF33Started converter, check the console for more information!" reload: success: "&#33FF33Plugin successfully reloaded!" failed: "&#FF3333Failed to reload the plugin! Something is wrong in the &f%file%&#FF3333 file, look in the console or use a yaml validator to fix the errors!" commands: invalid-value: "&#FF0000Invalid parameter: &#BB0000%value%" invalid-command: "&#FF0000Invalid command or subcommand!" missing-argument: "&#FF0000Missing argument! You must specify a value for &#BB0000%value%&#FF0000." no-permission: "&#FF0000You don't have permission to access this command!" out-of-range: "&#FF0000The &#BB0000%number% &#FF0000must be between &#BB0000%min% &#FF0000and &#BB0000%max%&#FF0000!" player-only: "&#FF0000You must be a player to use this command!" invalid-player: "&#FF0000The player &#BB0000%player% &#FF0000can not be found!" invalid-selector: "&#FF0000You can not use this selector in this command!" update-notifier: "&#88CCFFThere is a new version of AxPlayerWarps available! &#DDDDDD(&#FFFFFFcurrent: &#FF0000%current% &#DDDDDD| &#FFFFFFlatest: &#00FF00%latest%&#DDDDDD)" # do not change this version: 2


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # # valid types: # - sign (sign gui) # - anvil (anvil gui) # - chat (input in chat) # # note: only the selected type's section will be used, you can even delete the unused ones if you want # if the player writes any of these in chat mode, the plugin will cancel the input # make sure to change this in the messages as well if you change it here! chat-cancel-words: - "cancel" rate: type: "anvil" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write new rating!" - "Valid values: 1-5" anvil: title: "&0Rate Warp" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fRATING HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBBValid values: 1-5" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite your rating in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" - "&#DDDDDDValid values: 1-5" search: type: "chat" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Search for warp" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0Search Here" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fSEARCH HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ searching for" chat: - "&#33EEBBWhat do you want to search for? &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" rename: type: "anvil" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write new name" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0Rename Warp" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fNEW NAME HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ new name" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite the new warp name in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" price: type: "anvil" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write new price" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0New Price" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fPRICE HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ price" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite the new price in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" add-line: type: "chat" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write new text" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0Add Line" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fNEW LINE HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ new line" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite the new line in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" add-player: type: "anvil" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write the name" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0Add Player" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fPLAYER'S NAME HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ name of player" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite the name of the player in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" transfer: type: "anvil" # keep the first line empty when using sign sign: - " " - "-----------" - "Write the name" - "in the first line!" anvil: title: "&0Add Player" item: material: PAPER glow: true name: "&fPLAYER'S NAME HERE" lore: - "&#33EEBB↑ name of player" chat: - "&#33EEBBWrite the name of the player in the chat: &#DDDDDD(write &#33EEBBcancel &#DDDDDDto stop)" # do not change this version: 1

**There are many GUI configs, here is one:**


  • # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: title: "&0&lAxPWarps > &8Warps (%page%/%pages%)" # a gui can have 1-6 rows rows: 6 # how many items should be shown on a single page? page-size: 45 # ----- WARP ITEM ----- warp: name: "&#33EEBB&l%name%" lore: - " " - "&#33EEBBDescription:" - "&#444444❙ &f%description%" - " " - "&#33EEBBInformation" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDOwner: &f%owner%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDCreated: &f%created%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDLocation: &f%world%, %x%, %y%, %z%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDCategory: &f%category%" - " " - "&#33EEBBStatistics" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDVisits: &f%visitors_unique%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDRating: &#FFDD00%rating_stars%" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDDFavorite of: &f%favorites% players" - " " - "&#33EEBBCost of teleporting: &#BBFFDD%price%" - "&#33EEBBAccess: &#BBFFDD%access%" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lLeft Click &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDTeleport" - "&#33EEBB&lRight Click &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDReview & Options" # ----- ITEMS ----- my-warps: slot: 45 # this font is called 'small caps' name: "&#33EEBB&lᴍʏ ᴡᴀʀᴘs" type: ENDER_PEARL lore: - " " - " &fClick here to view/edit/delete" - " &fyour &#33EEBB%my_warps% &fwarps!" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDOpen My Warps" actions: - "[MENU] my-warps" - "[SOUND]|1|1" sorting: slot: 46 material: "GLOWSTONE_DUST" name: "&#33EEBB&lsᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ" lore: - " " - " &#33EEBBCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDD%sorting_selected%" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDChange Sorting" - "&#33EEBB&lShift + Click &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDReset Sorting" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" previous-page: slot: 48 material: "ARROW" name: "&#33EEBB&lᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go back" - " &fto the previous page!" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDPrevious Page" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" - "[PAGE] previous" refresh: slot: 49 material: "SUNFLOWER" name: "&#33EEBB&lʀᴇғʀᴇsʜ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to" - " &frefresh the page!" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDRefresh Page" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" - "[REFRESH]" next-page: slot: 50 material: "ARROW" name: "&#33EEBB&lɴᴇxᴛ ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go" - " &fto the next page!" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDNext Page" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" - "[PAGE] next" category: slot: 52 material: "HOPPER" name: "&#33EEBB&lᴄᴀᴛᴇɢᴏʀʏ" lore: - " " - " &#33EEBBCurrently selected:" - " &#444444❙ &#BBFFDD%category_selected%" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDChange Category" - "&#33EEBB&lShift + Click &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDDelete Category Filter" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" search: slot: 53 material: "SPYGLASS" name: "&#33EEBB&lsᴇᴀʀᴄʜ ᴡᴀʀᴘs" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to search for warps by" - " &ftheir name or by their owner's name!" - " " - "&#33EEBBCurrent search: &#BBFFDD%search%" - " " - "&#33EEBB&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDSearch" - "&#33EEBB&lShift + Click &#DDDDDD» &#BBFFDDClear Search" actions: - "[SOUND]|1|1" #decoration-example: # slot: 10 # type: STONE # name: "&eDecoration!" # actions: # - "[MENU] close" # - "[MESSAGE] &#FF0000Message"
Last modified: 14 January 2025