Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



include-global-permissions (default: false)

  • if false: The plugin will display ONLY the permissions that have the same server context as the server where the meunu is opened.

  • if true: The plugin will also display ALL the permissions that does not have a context (so GLOBAL permissions).

so for example:

  • auction.sell.5 with a server=survival context will be shown as long as you are on the survival no matter the setting

  • auction.sell.5 without context will only be shown if you set it to true

prevent-downgrading (default: true)

  • The plugin will stop players from buying worse ranks than their current one

  • You must set every rank a WEIGHT (weight.<VALUE> permission) to enable

discount-ranks (default: false)

  • If true: every rank's price will be calculated like this: new rank's price - current rank's price

  • NOTE: unless prevent-downgrading is true this will mean what players can freely downgrade their ranks

force-buy-order.enabled (default: false)

  • The plugin will not let the player buy ranks out of order

  • This uses the builtin track system of luckperms, you must define one to use it


  • You can add or edit the command aliases here

  • The first element of the list will be used as the "main" command


You can define translations for the permissions with the permissions section. Examples:

exampleplugin.simple: ""

  • This is how you can translate a simple permission

exampleplugin.uses.#: ""

  • Replace numbers with a # and the plugin will automatically translate all the related permissions

  • for example: "auction.sell.#": "You can have # auctions!" will work for the auction.sell.5 and auction.sell.10 without having to add them both!

exampleplugin.admin": ""

  • Setting a permission to "" will make it not show up in the rank menu

Last modified: 10 May 2024