include-global-permissions (default: false)
if false: The plugin will display ONLY the permissions that have the same server context as the server where the meunu is opened.
if true: The plugin will also display ALL the permissions that does not have a context (so GLOBAL permissions).
so for example:
with aserver=survival
context will be shown as long as you are on the survival no matter the settingauction.sell.5
without context will only be shown if you set it to true
prevent-downgrading (default: true)
The plugin will stop players from buying worse ranks than their current one
You must set every rank a WEIGHT (weight.<VALUE> permission) to enable
discount-ranks (default: false)
If true: every rank's price will be calculated like this: new rank's price - current rank's price
NOTE: unless prevent-downgrading is true this will mean what players can freely downgrade their ranks
force-buy-order.enabled (default: false)
The plugin will not let the player buy ranks out of order
This uses the builtin track system of luckperms, you must define one to use it
You can add or edit the command aliases here
The first element of the list will be used as the "main" command
You can define translations for the permissions with the permissions
section. Examples:
exampleplugin.simple: ""
This is how you can translate a simple permission
exampleplugin.uses.#: ""
Replace numbers with a # and the plugin will automatically translate all the related permissions
for example:
"auction.sell.#": "You can have # auctions!"
will work for theauction.sell.5
without having to add them both!
exampleplugin.admin": ""
Setting a permission to "" will make it not show up in the rank menu