Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

❗ Read before using plugin


  • The plugin's anti dupe puts an UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) on EVERY shulker that is opened with the shulker viewer.

  • This means that if you open a shulker and share that with others (for example if you put it in a CRATE, KIT, or anywhere else) it will be the SAME virtual inventory!!

  • You can check if your shulker has a UUID (on paper and forks) with the /paper dumpitem command while holding it.


What does this mean?

  • This simply means that if players get the shulker which has the same UUID, (and they will if you opened the shulker before giving it to people) which also means that they can steal each others' stuff from the shulkers, because it is the exact same inventory.

What can I do to stop this from happening?


    • AFTER you have finished creating the shulker for a kit, crate, or anything else, HOLD the shulker in your hand and run /axshulkers clear

    • This command removes the UUID from the shulker item, which means that it will became a shareable shulker!

    • Note: if you run this command and after that you open the shulker preview, you WILL have to do it again as a new UUID will be put on it!


    • Never use the shulker preview for creating shulkers that you intend to share with players!

    • Just place the shulker on the ground and modify the items there. That will cause the uuid to be removed even if it existed on the item.


    • Enable the experimental auto-clear-shulkers setting in the config.

    • This will automatically remove the UUID right after closing the shulker.

    • It relies on java weak references, so it might not be a safe option, however if you find any issues with it, we will fix it ASAP.

Why is this needed?

  • With this solution we can prevent 100% of the dupes as players can't touch or get rid of the virtual inventory, it will always be the same.

Desync issues

  • Because we use virtual inventories, the contents of a shulker box may not always be the same as in the description.

  • Note that this is NOT an exploit/dupe, this is simply when the description of a shulker box doesn't match real the contents of the shulker.

  • The plugin does it's best to prevent this from happening, however some external plugins might not handle this, causing desync.

  • This can be used for scamming, for example with auction houses. We suggest using AxAuctions as it has builtin AxShulkers support, which will always show the virtual inventory.

  • You shouldn't have to worry about this as desync issues are quite rare and if you find anything, we can fix it.

  • You can ask developers that have plugins with shulker viewers to add axshulkers support! (for devs: you can find all useful methods in the ShulkerUtils class)

Last modified: 16 December 2024