language (default: en_US)
Format: language_COUNTRY
After changing this, the server will download the default item names of the set language
You can add or edit the command aliases here
The first element of the list will be used as the "main" command
trade-confirm-seconds (default: 10)
The time after clicking the trade confirm button before the trade finishes
trade-request-expire-seconds (default: 10)
How fast should trade requests expire?
trade-max-distance (default: 10)
How far apart the two players can be from each other?
Set to -1 to disable
shift-click-send-request (default: true)
Should shift + right clicking on another player send them a trade request?
number-formatting.mode (default: 0)
0 - formatted (customizable, look at the formatted part)
1 - short (1K)
2 - raw (1000.4242421412)
number-formatting.formatted (default: #,###.##)
number-formatting.short (default: en_US)
format: language_COUNTRY
disallowed-gamemodes (default: SPECTATOR)
List of gamemodes:
You can't trade in these gamemodes
blacklisted-worlds (default: example_world)
Worlds where trades will not work
Disallowed/Blacklisted items
You can also define a material and a name-contains subsection
enable-trade-summaries (default: true)
The trade summaries will not be sent after trades end to players if disabled
prevent-adding-items-when-inventory-full (default: true)
When one of the player's inventory can't hold any more items, the plugin will not allow adding more items to the trade gui