Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



language (default: en_US)

  • Format: language_COUNTRY

  • After changing this, the server will download the default item names of the set language


  • You can add or edit the command aliases here

  • The first element of the list will be used as the "main" command

trade-confirm-seconds (default: 10)

  • The time after clicking the trade confirm button before the trade finishes

trade-request-expire-seconds (default: 10)

  • How fast should trade requests expire?

trade-max-distance (default: 10)

  • How far apart the two players can be from each other?

  • Set to -1 to disable

shift-click-send-request (default: true)

  • Should shift + right clicking on another player send them a trade request?

number-formatting.mode (default: 0)

  • 0 - formatted (customizable, look at the formatted part)

  • 1 - short (1K)

  • 2 - raw (1000.4242421412)

number-formatting.formatted (default: #,###.##)

number-formatting.short (default: en_US)

  • format: language_COUNTRY

disallowed-gamemodes (default: SPECTATOR)

blacklisted-worlds (default: example_world)

  • Worlds where trades will not work


  • Disallowed/Blacklisted items

  • You can also define a material and a name-contains subsection

enable-trade-summaries (default: true)

  • The trade summaries will not be sent after trades end to players if disabled

Last modified: 21 October 2024