Artillex-Studios Documentation Help


  • Converters can be used to move from another plugin to AxVaults

  • Vaults and their contents are converted, make sure that you change the permissions from the old plugin to axvaults' permissions! (also make sure to set the vault-storage-rows setting to the same value before converting)

How to use?

  1. Make sure to have both the plugin that you are converting from and AxVaults running on the server.

  2. Run /axvaultsadmin converter \<plugin> (Use the tab completer for the \<plugin> part!)

  3. The converter should have done its job, make sure to check the console for any errors!

  4. If there are no errors, remove the other plugin and enjoy AxVaults!

Supported Plugins:

  • PlayerVaultsX

Last modified: 22 March 2024