Example configuration
display-name: "<red>Example"
gold_block: 11
diamond_block: 10
emerald_block: 25
iron_block: 10
1: "world;10;10;10;10;10"
2: "world;10;10;10;10;10"
teleport-location: "world;10;10;10;10;10"
# To top block at player's location: 0
# To teleport to teleport-location: 1
# To disable, set to anything else
teleport-on-reset: 0
enabled: true
range: 10
# For broadcast in range: >= 1
# For whole world: 0
# For all worlds: -1
# For silent mode: -2
broadcast-reset: -1
# How often the mine should reset
# 20 ticks = 1 second
ticks: 12000 # (10 minutes)
# At what percent the mine should automagically
# reset set to 0 to disable
percent: 10
- chance: 0.001
blocks: # If you want it to work on any block, leave it empty, or don't even add it
- "diamond_block"
- "emerald_block"
items: # Item reward
- type: stone
name: "oreo"
commands: # Command reward
- "eco give <player> 100000"
# The commands to run when the mine is reset
- "say Mine A has been reset!"
You can add as many rewards as you want, all the rewards are rolled every time, meaning you can get more rewards from breaking one block!
Chance: The chance of the reward
Blocks: The blocks on which the reward will try to be rolled
Items: The item rewards
Commands: The commands that are executed when the reward is given
Last modified: 03 March 2024