Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

Discord Webhook Builder

On this page you can find every webhook related configuration that is possible to create in our plugins!


content: "Get ready!" color: "#FF0000" title: text: "Example - STARTED" fields: 1: inline: true name: "Time" value: "100"


  • The content field is the only that can contain a working ping, example: <@&1234567890123456789>

content: "Content Field"


Title (required)

title: # required text: 'Title text!' # optional icon: ""

Color (optional)

color: "#RRGGBB"

Description (optional)

description: "Description"

Field (optional)

  • You can add multiple fields

fields: '1': # optional inline: true # required name: "Name" # optional value: 'Value'

Author (optional)

author: # required name: 'Author Text' # optional icon-url: "some-url" # optional url: "some-url"
footer: # required text: 'Footer Text' # optional icon: "some-url"

Image URL (optional)

image-url: "some-url"

Thumbnail URL (optional)

thumbnail-url: "some-url"
Last modified: 16 December 2024