Artillex-Studios Documentation Help






Requires the player to be in a gamemode

[gamemode] survival


Requires the player to not be in a gamemode

[!gamemode] survival


Requires the player to have a permission

[permission] cool.permission


Requires the player to not have a permission



Requires the player to be in a world

[world] cool_world


Requires the player to not be in a world

[!world] not_cool_world


Requires the parsing of a PlaceholderAPI placeholder to be equal to a value

[placeholder] %player_name%=CoolName


Requires the parsing of a PlaceholderAPI placeholder to not be equal to a value

[!placeholder] %player_name%=CoolName

You can also do AND and OR operations with these requirements!

Example 1

[gamemode] survival|creative - Requires the player to be in surival OR creative gamemode

Example 2

[permission] cool.permission& - Requires the player to have BOTH of the permissions

Last modified: 18 April 2024