Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

Adding Rewards

Steps of adding a new reward:

  • Navigate to the configuration file of the zone that you want to edit the rewards of. The location of the file is: plugins/AxAFKZone/zones/name-of-zone.yml

  • Open the file and find the rewards section

  • For the rewards, we use a YAML list, it might be confusing at first, but it is acutally quite simple.

rewards: - chance: 50.0 display: "&#AAAAAA1x Iron Ingot" commands: - "give %player% iron_ingot 1" - chance: 25.0 display: "&#88FFFF1x Diamond" items: - amount: 1 material: diamond
  • The rewards section has different elements, all the elements start with a "-" and all the indented text are part of that section.

  • To add a new command reward, you want to add this to the rewards section:

- chance: 50.0 display: "&#AAAAAA1x Iron Ingot" commands: - "give %player% iron_ingot 1"
  • Of course, you can customize it, there is a chance, display name and commands section.

  • Also note that you can add multiple commands if you want, because that is another list within a list! Here is a multi command example:

- chance: 15.5 display: "&71 stone and a hello message" commands: - "give %player% stone 1" - "say %player% hello"
  • It is important through, that this is a SINGLE reward, all of these commands will be run at once, you will need to add multiple rewards if you want to do these seperately, for example:

- chance: 30.0 display: "&71 stone" commands: - "give %player% stone 1" - chance: 30.0 display: "&7hello message" commands: - "say %player% hello"
  • Next, let's add an item reward, it is pretty much the same process, except that items can use our Item Builder

- chance: 25.0 display: "&#88FFFF1x Diamond" items: - amount: 1 material: diamond
  • The only 2 required fields are material and amount, you can add anything else from our itembuilder, for example even complex items like:

- chance: 25.0 display: "&#88FFFF1x Diamond" items: - amount: 1 material: diamond_sword custom-model-data: 1000 name: "&#FF0000A really cool sword" lore: - "&#DDDDDDNot sure what" - "&#DDDDDDto write here!" enchants: - protection:4 - unbreaking:3
  • So lets combine these examples and add them to the rewards section:

rewards: - chance: 15.5 display: "&71 stone and a hello message" commands: - "give %player% stone 1" - "say %player% hello" - chance: 25.0 display: "&#88FFFF1x Diamond" items: - amount: 1 material: diamond_sword custom-model-data: 1000 name: "&#FF0000A really cool sword" lore: - "&#DDDDDDNot sure what" - "&#DDDDDDto write here!" enchants: - protection:4 - unbreaking:3
Last modified: 01 August 2024