Configuration of the default coupon:
- # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: # what permission is needed to claim? # set to "" to disable requirement permission: "" # how often this coupon can be activated? # set to -1 to make it a one time coupon # this value is in seconds cooldown: -1 # when should this coupon be available? # if the time is out of this range, the coupon will not be redeemable # note: you have to set this to the milliseconds since 1970 of the date # you can use this website: (on the right side input the date and copy the milliseconds number) # set to -1 to disable activation: start: -1 end: -1 # how many accounts from one IP address can claim a coupon # set to -1 to disable ip-limit: -1 # you can add multiple commands/items rewards: commands: - "say %player% claimed the example coupon!" items: - material: IRON_INGOT amount: 1 name: "&bIron Ingot" # list of sounds: # format: sound|volume|pitch sounds: success: "entity.experience_orb.pickup|1|1" fail: "|1|1" messages: claim: "�EEFFYou have successfully claimed the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon!" one-time: "�EEFFYou have already claimed the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon." ip-limit: "�EEFFYou can't claim the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon, because your ip address has reached the claim limit." on-cooldown: "�EEFFYou can't claim the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon for: �CCFF%time%�EEFF!" inactive: "�EEFFYou can't claim the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon." permission: "�EEFFYou don't have permission to claim the �CCFF%name% �EEFFcoupon."
Last modified: 01 November 2024