Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

AxPearls 🛠️

What is AxPearls?

  • A must-have for all PvP servers. Stop all ender pearl glitches. Customize everything about ender pearl behavior.

Most Important Features

  • AxPearls provides full control over ender pearls, modifying them from their core using NMS.

  • Prevents all ender pearl glitches: AxPearls does it's best to always find valid locations when throwing pearls and when it is impossible it will refund the ender pearl instead of teleporting the player through a wall.

  • Throw ender pearls through teammates: The plugin supports many team plugins, allowing pearls to pass through them for easier for a more enjoyable PvP experience.

  • Full swim mode support: The plugin can check if they player can fit in small spaces in swim mode (can be disabled)


    (swim mode on)


    (swim mode off)


    (sneaking hitbox support)

  • Customizable ender pearl cooldown: Set a custom ender pearl cooldown that is also can be seen on the item

  • Custom damage: You can set a custom ender pearl self and hit damage, or you can also disable it

  • Gate support: Ability to throw ender pearls through open gates.

  • Custom pearl strength: Make pearls fly further or closer

  • Particle customization: Change or disable the type/amount of particles spawned after teleporting

  • Change or disable endermite spawning chance

Last modified: 04 February 2025