AxPearls 🛠️
What is AxPearls?
A must-have for all PvP servers. Stop all ender pearl glitches. Customize everything about ender pearl behavior.
Most Important Features
AxPearls provides full control over ender pearls, modifying them from their core using NMS.
Prevents all ender pearl glitches: AxPearls does it's best to always find valid locations when throwing pearls and when it is impossible it will refund the ender pearl instead of teleporting the player through a wall.
Throw ender pearls through teammates: The plugin supports many team plugins, allowing pearls to pass through them for easier for a more enjoyable PvP experience.
Full swim mode support: The plugin can check if they player can fit in small spaces in swim mode (can be disabled)
(swim mode on)
(swim mode off)
(sneaking hitbox support)
Customizable ender pearl cooldown: Set a custom ender pearl cooldown that is also can be seen on the item
Custom damage: You can set a custom ender pearl self and hit damage, or you can also disable it
Gate support: Ability to throw ender pearls through open gates.
Custom pearl strength: Make pearls fly further or closer
Particle customization: Change or disable the type/amount of particles spawned after teleporting
Change or disable endermite spawning chance