Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



  • # DOCUMENTATION: prefix: "<gradient:#00FFAA:#00CCAA><b>AxPearls</b></gradient> &7» " # if enabled and a team plugin is installed, (check hooks.yml) # pearls will go through your teammates teammate-pearl-passthrough: true # allow players to squeeze themselves into places with ender pearls where they can only fit in swimming mode? allow-swimming-mode: true # how likely should it be that after a pearl teleport, an endermite will spawn? # 0 to 100 (in percents) # in vanilla, this is set to 5.0 # set to 0 to disable endermite-spawn-chance: 0.0 # how much damage should the player take when their ender pearl lands # in vanilla, this is set to 5.0 # set to 0 to disable ender-pearl-damage: 5.0 # how much damage should players take when they get hit by an ender pearl? # in vanilla, this is set to 0.0 # set to 0 to disable ender-pearl-hit-damage: 0.0 # should pearls be able to go through open gates? open-gate-passthrough: true # pearl cooldown in milliseconds # you can give per player cooldown with the "axpearls.cooldown.<milliseconds>" permission # set to -1 to disable pearl-cooldown-milliseconds: 5000 # should the plugin override the vanilla ender pearl cooldown display? show-cooldown-on-item: true # if no safe location can be found, should the pearl be refunded? refund-on-fail: true # syntax: # some examples: # '0.0' (decimal separator: .) # '0,0' (decimal separator: ,) # '0' (only show seconds) # '0.00' (multiple decimals) timer-number-format: "0.0" # how far/fast should the ender pearl go? # 0.5 will be half speed, 2.0 will be double speed # the default/vanilla value is 1.0 pearl-throw-strength: 1.0 particle: enabled: true # list of particles: type: PORTAL # amount of particles to spawn amount: 32 # do not change this version: 1


  • # DOCUMENTATION: help: - " " - "<gradient:#00FFAA:#00CCAA><b>AxPearls</b></gradient> &7» " - " &7- &f/axpearls reload &7| &#AAFFCCReload configuration" - " &7- &f/axpearls reset-cooldown [player] &7| &#AAFFCCReset pearl cooldown of player" - " " cooldown: "&#AAFFCCYou can't throw an ender pearl for another &#00CCAA%seconds% &#AAFFCCseconds!" # disable message by setting it to pearl-refunded: "" pearl-refunded: "&#AAFFCCThere is no safe location, so your ender pearl was refunded!" cooldown-removed: "&#AAFFCCYou have removed the ender pearl cooldown of &#00CCAA%player%&#AAFFCC!" reload: success: "&#33FF33Plugin successfully reloaded!" failed: "&#FF3333Failed to reload the plugin! Something is wrong in the &f%file%&#FF3333 file, look in the console or use a yaml validator to fix the errors!" commands: invalid-value: "&#FF0000Invalid parameter: &#BB0000%value%" invalid-command: "&#FF0000Invalid command or subcommand!" missing-argument: "&#FF0000Missing argument! You must specify a value for &#BB0000%value%&#FF0000." no-permission: "&#FF0000You don't have permission to access this command!" out-of-range: "&#FF0000The &#BB0000%number% &#FF0000must be between &#BB0000%min% &#FF0000and &#BB0000%max%&#FF0000!" player-only: "&#FF0000You must be a player to use this command!" invalid-player: "&#FF0000The player &#BB0000%player% &#FF0000can not be found!" invalid-selector: "&#FF0000You can not use this selector in this command!" # do not change this version: 1
Last modified: 04 February 2025