Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

Common Questions

Why does /selldrops not work?

  • If the command doesn't exist, try enabling: force-register-sell in the config.yml

  • If it just doesn't sell items, make sure to check the price-plugin section in the hooks.yml! Also note that if you change this from builtin, the builtin drop prices from tiers.yml will be ignored

Why does my axgens.limit.X permission does not work?

  • Please note that enabling the team-plugin section in the hooks.yml will DISABLE the permission limits

  • Why? Because with the bukkit api, you can't get permissions of an offline player and the team mode combines team members' limits.

  • In the future we might add support for this with the luckperms or vault api, but because that requires external plugins, it feels not worth the effort, just use the /axgens limit command to give players higher limits!

Why are my generator upgrade prices so weired?

  • In the tiers.yml you can only customize the price of generators, not their upgrade price

  • By default the upgrade prices are calculated like this: price of next tier - price of current tier

  • You can change this in the config.yml, search for the generator-price-calculation section!

Does this plugin support ItemsAdder or Oraxen?

  • Yes, if you want to use custom blocks, check: Custom Blocks

  • If you want to make items have a custom texture, check: Item Builder

  • (and if you don't know what a custom model data is, ask the ItemsAdder/Oraxen support, and they should be able to help you find it)

What are levels and how can I gain levels?

  • Levels are currently not possible to gain.

  • You can disable levels in the config or it is also possible to give levels with the /axgen level command.

  • We recommend disabling it OR using a supported level plugin and enabling that in the hooks.yml.

  • The only reason why it is enabled so people know how to use the placeholders, it is much easier to remove them if you don't need them.

Last modified: 08 October 2024