Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



cleanup-after-days (default: 14)

  • How old does a backup needs to be to get cleaned?

  • A cleanup happens when the server stops or starts and also can be triggered with /axir cleanup

enable-all-category (default: true)

  • Should there be a category where you can find ALL the backups of a player?

automatic-backup.enabled (default: true)

  • Should there be a backup created once in a while?

automatic-backup.seconds (default: 180)

  • How often should a backup be made if automatic-backup.enabled is true?

  • You can customize the row amount of the guis

  • This can be a value between 2 and 6

  • main-menu - First menu that appears when using /axir view \<name\>

  • backup-selector - Second menu, appears after selecting a category

compact-database (default: true)

  • If your server often doesn't stop randomly and axir spams stuff, try disabling this

  • Runs the databases builtin cleanup mechanism to decrease disk size

  • If you have 100K+ backups or a lot of storage, you can disable this as this could slow down the server shutdown process


  • You can disable categories by setting them to false

  • This is useful if your server type doesn't require on of these events

enable-discord-addon (default: false)

Last modified: 21 June 2024