Replaces the scoreboard with a custom one
(might not be up to date)
# set to false to disable the module
enabled: true
# how often should the scoreboards? in ticks
# updating is useful to make placeholders update
# 20 ticks = 1 second
# set to 0 to disable
update-ticks: 10
# you can define as many scoreboards as you would like
# note that players will see the FIRST board that they have permission for
# important: this section uses a map list, which might be a bit confusing for YAML beginners, be careful not to break the syntax!
# permission example
- permission: "axlobby.admin"
title: "&#FF0000&lAxLobby [ADMIN]"
- " "
- "&#FF0000%player_name%"
- " 񬠜❙ &#FFAAAAPing: &f%player_ping% ms"
- " "
- "&#FF0000TPS: %server_tps_1_colored%"
- " "
- "&"
# no permission example
- title: "&#FF0000&lAxLobby"
- " "
- "&#FF0000%player_name%"
- " 񬠜❙ &#FFAAAAPing: &f%player_ping% ms"
- " "
- "&"
# do not change this value
version: 1
Last modified: 11 January 2025