Artillex-Studios Documentation Help



  • Replaces the tablist with a custom one


(might not be up to date)

# set to false to disable the module enabled: true # how often should the tab header/footer update? in ticks # updating is useful to make placeholders update # 20 ticks = 1 second # set to 0 to disable update-ticks: 10 # you can define as many tablists as you would like # note that players will see the FIRST tablist that they have permission for # important: this section uses a map list, which might be a bit confusing for YAML beginners, be careful not to break the syntax! tablists: # permission example - permission: "axlobby.admin" # set to [] to disable (example: header: []) header: - ' ' - '<gradient:#ff4500:#ff1493><b>AxLobby ADMIN</b></gradient>' - "&#ff4500TPS: &f%server_tps_1_colored%" - ' ' footer: - '&#ff4500%bungee_total% &fplayers online' - ' ' - '&' # no permission example - header: - ' ' - '<gradient:#ff4500:#ff1493><b>AxLobby</b></gradient>' - ' ' footer: - '&#ff4500%bungee_total% &fplayers online' - ' ' - '&' # do not change this value version: 1
Last modified: 11 January 2025