This page might be outdated, however it does show our basic configuration style that you will see in the plugin.
- prefix: "<gradient:#AAFF00:#77FF44><b>AxQuestBoard</b></gradient> &7» " database: # h2, sqlite # for single server setups we recommend h2 because it's way faster than sqlite type: "h2" # timer format for %time% placeholders # 1 - HH:MM:SS, for example 01:25:35 # 2 - short format, for example 20m # 3 - text format, for example 01h 25m 35s timer-format: 1 # you must define at least 1 # reloading will add new commands, however a restart is recommended when editing this command-aliases: - "axquestboard" - "axqb" - "questboard" - "qb" # you must define at least 1 # reloading will add new commands, however a restart is recommended when editing this shop-commands: - "axquestshop" - "questshop" # how big the board should be at these player counts? # so with the default config at 13 players the board will be 3 rows, at 50 it will be 6 rows # if you just want a static board, use this: # board-rows: # 0: # rows: 6 # quest-slots: 0-53 board-rows: 0: # how many rows should there be at 0-4 players? rows: 1 # which of the slots should be used for quests? # please double-check that you defined this correctly or hidden quests may appear ( quest-slots: 0-8 5: rows: 2 quest-slots: 9-17 10: rows: 3 quest-slots: 18-26 15: rows: 4 quest-slots: 27-35 20: rows: 5 quest-slots: 36-44 25: rows: 6 quest-slots: 45-53 # how often should the board rows be checked? # this is only used to recalculate the row amount of the gui # this is not too heavy, if you prefer it, you can set it lower # requires a restart to change resize-check-seconds: 60 # how often should quest scores be saved to the database? # requires a restart to change auto-save-seconds: 180 # after someone completing a quest from the board, how long should it take to generate a new quest? # this is in seconds new-quest-cooldown: 1800 # # how money should be formatted? number-format: "#,###.##" # broadcasts may be a bit spammy, if you want you can display them as an actionbar broadcasts: chat: true actionbar: false # if enabled, the plugin try to find a quest that is not on the board when refreshing # you probably shouldn't enable this if you have set less quests than the maximum board size force-unique-quests: false # do not change this version: 1
- title: "&0Quest Board" # ----- ITEMS ----- # used when a quest slot is on cooldown cooldown-item: material: WEEPING_VINES name: "&#EE0000&lRefreshing..." lore: - " " - "&#EE0000New quest will appear in:" - " &7- &f%time%" - " " ## when you add decorations MAKE SURE that you did not set them in the place of a quest ## look at the board-rows in the config.yml and change it if your decoration overlaps #decoration-example: # slot: 13 # material: IRON_INGOT # name: '&eDECORATION' # lore: # - ' ' # - ' &fWoah, what a cool decoration!' # do not change this version: 1
- help: - " " - "<gradient:#AAFF00:#77FF44><b>AxQuestBoard</b></gradient> &7»" - " &7- &f/axqb &7| &#AAFF00Open menu" - " &7- &f/axqb reload &7| &#AAFF00Reload plugin" - " &7- &f/axqb forceopen <player> &7| &#AAFF00Open the board for the player" - " " reload: success: "!FF33Plugin successfully reloaded!" failed: "&#FF3333Failed to reload the plugin! Something is wrong in the &f%file%&#FF3333 file, look in the console or use a yaml validator to fix the errors!" time: second: "s" minute: "m" hour: "h" day: "d" # set to "" to disable broadcasts: resize-up: "&fThe size of the &#AAFF00/questboard &fhave been increased to &#AAFF00%rows% rows &fbecause the player count goal have been reached!" resize-down: "&fThe size of the &#AAFF00/questboard &fhave been decreased to &#AAFF00%rows% rows &fbecause the player count went down! Invite your friends to increase it again!" completed-single: "&#AAFF00%player% &fhas completed the quest titled &#AAFF00'%quest%' &fon the &#AAFF00/questboard &fand won &#AAFF00%points% points&f!" completed-multiple: "&#AAFF00%player% &fhas completed &#AAFF00%amount% &fquests titled &#AAFF00'%quest%' &fon the &#AAFF00/questboard &fand won &#AAFF00%points% points&f!" taken-over: "&#AAFF00%player% &fhas taken your &#AAFF00#1 &fspot on the &#AAFF00/questboard &fquest titled &#AAFF00'%quest%'" new-quest: "&fA new quest on available on the &#AAFF00/questboard &ftitled &#AAFF00'%quest%'" points: changed: "!FF33You have changed &f%player%!FF33's quest points to &f%amount%!FF33!" shop: not-enough-money: "&#FF3333You can't afford this!" success: "!FF33Successful purchase!" # do not change this version: 1
- # DOCUMENTATION: # ITEM BUILDER: # in the shop you can buy items from points title: "&0Quest Shop" # a gui can only have 1-6 rows rows: 5 # how many item should be shown on a single page? page-size: 36 buy-sounds: # list of sounds: not-enough-money: "entity.experience_bottle.throw" success: "entity.experience_orb.pickup" # ----- ITEMS ----- buyable-items: 1: # you can also set the slot slot: 0 price: 1000 display: material: DIAMOND_SWORD name: "&#AAFF00A very cool diamond sword!" lore: - " " - " &7- &fPrice: &#AAFF00%price% points" - " &7- &fYour points: &#AAFF00%points%" - " " - "&#AAFF00&l(!) &#AAFF00Click here to buy!" # commands to run when buying, optional buy-commands: - "give %player% diamond 1" # items to give when buying, optional buy-items: 1: material: DIAMOND_SWORD name: "&#AAFF00A very cool diamond sword!" 2: price: 500 display: amount: 3 material: diamond name: "&#AAFF00A shiny diamond!" lore: - " " - " &7- &fPrice: &#AAFF00%price% points" - " &7- &fYour points: &#AAFF00%points%" - " " - "&#AAFF00&l(!) &#AAFF00Click here to buy!" # items to give when buying, optional buy-items: 1: material: DIAMOND amount: 3 previous-page: slot: 39 material: "ARROW" name: "&#AAFF00&lᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go back" - " &fto the previous page!" - " " - "&#AAFF00&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#CCFFAAPrevious Page" # list of sounds: # the sound played when clicking this item # set to "" to disable sound: "" next-page: slot: 41 material: "ARROW" name: "&#AAFF00&lɴᴇxᴛ ᴘᴀɢᴇ" lore: - " " - " &fClick here to go" - " &fto the next page!" - " " - "&#AAFF00&lClick &#DDDDDD» &#CCFFAANext Page" sound: "" filler: slot: [36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44] material: "LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" name: " " # do not change this version: 1
* The default quest file has 50 premade quests, however that would be way too large to paste here, so instead here are 2 simple examples
- quests: 1: # example #1 has ALL the possible customizations, you don't have to use most of them title: "Kill %required% creepers" # chance of this quest appearing # can go over 100, optional chance: 60 settings: trigger: KILL # extra information for the specified trigger, optional extra: CREEPER # how many actions should it require? required: 100 # if the trigger supports it, it will also decrease the progress when needed # for example the break trigger will decrease if the player places the quest block # optional prevent-cheating: true # how many points can they win? win-points: 3 # optionally, you can also give items / run commands, not just points # note: the number is the placement, so section 1 will give the rewards to the number 1 player rewards: 1: commands: - "say %player% won!" items: - material: diamond amount: 1 name: "�FFFFShiny diamond" 2: commands: - "say %player% is second!" items: - material: gold_ingot amount: 1 name: "&#FFCC00Shiny gold" display-item: material: CREEPER_HEAD name: "&#EE3333&l%title%" lore: - " " - "&#EE3333&lʏᴏᴜ: &f%score%&7/%required%" - " " - "&#EE3333&lʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀʙᴏᴀʀᴅ" - " &#FF0000%top_1_name%: %top_1_score%" - " &#FFAA00%top_2_name%: %top_2_score%" - " &#FFFF00%top_3_name%: %top_3_score%" - " " - "&#EE3333&lʀᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ: &f%points% points" 2: title: "Break %required% ancient debris" chance: 30 settings: trigger: BREAK extra: ANCIENT_DEBRIS prevent-cheating: true required: 10 win-points: 5 display-item: material: ANCIENT_DEBRIS name: "�CCFF&l%title%" lore: - " " - "�CCFF&lʏᴏᴜ: &f%score%&7/%required%" - " " - "�CCFF&lʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀʙᴏᴀʀᴅ" - " &#FF0000%top_1_name%: %top_1_score%" - " &#FFAA00%top_2_name%: %top_2_score%" - " &#FFFF00%top_3_name%: %top_3_score%" - " " - "�CCFF&lʀᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ: &f%points% points" # do not change this version: 1
Last modified: 04 November 2024