Artillex-Studios Documentation Help

Add To Blocks

Recommended use case: (holograms are currently not part of the plugin)

  • With the /axvaultsadmin set \[number] command you can put down vaults on blocks!

  • The vault will be put on the block that you are looking at!

  • How does this work? If you for example run /axvaultsadmin set 1, the plugin will add the #1 vault to the block, when players click on the block, it will basically do the same thing as the /axvaults 1 command.

  • If you use the /axvaultsadmin set command, the vault selector will be added to the block!

  • Opening vaults from blocks will bypass the axvaults.openremote and axvaults.selector permissions!

Last modified: 29 February 2024