auto-save-minutes (default: 5)
How often should vaults be saved to the database?
This is useful if you have a lot of crashes,
It is recommended to set it to the same value as the world save time!
vault-selector-rows (default: 6)
How many rows should the /axvault selector menu have?
item-picker-rows (default: 6)
How many rows should the vault icon picker have?
vault-storage-rows (default: 6)
How many rows should vaults have?
database (default: h2)
You should not change is, unless you really want to use SQLite.
H2 is faster, SQLite may be more stable, however usually it does not matter.
permission-mode (default: 0)
0 - Every vault needs a separate permission (axvaults.vault.10 will only give access to vault #10)
1 - The highest permission will give all the previous vaults (axvaults.vault.10 will give access to vaults #1-#10)
show-locked-vaults (default: true)
Should locked vaults be shown in the gui?
This could be useful if you randomly give many vaults.
selector-item-amount-mode (default: 1)
How many items should be shown in the vault selector
There are 3 modes:
1 - the number of the vault, it will restart once it reaches 64
2 - always show 1
3 - show the slots filled in the vault
max-vault-amount (default: -1)
Set a maximum vault in the selector gui
You can disable this by setting it to -1
Items that match will be removed when the player dies from the grave
You can also define a material and a name-contains subsection