Artillex-Studios Documentation Help


Crates are what actually spawn in envoys, so you need to configure them accordingly!

# This crate needs to be clicked 50 times to get the loot # so this is a sort of miniboss, I guess! # Cooldown in seconds until a player can collect a new crate of this type # THIS OVERRIDES THE SAME SETTING IN THE ENVOY'S CATEGORY! If you do NOT want to override it, remove it from here collect-cooldown: 10 broadcast-collect: true display-name: "&cCommon" block: iron_block required-interactions: amount: 50 cooldown: 0 # In ticks. 1 second is 20 ticks! Set to 0 to disable! falling-block: enabled: false # If a falling block should be spawned where a crate is spawned height: 10 # The height where the falling block will fall from block: end_rod # The type of the block that is falling speed: -1 # The speed at which the block will fall (blocks per second) firework: enabled: true color: #ff0000 type: ball flare: enabled: true every: 200 # ticks, 20 ticks is 1 second firework: color: #ff0000 type: ball rewards: - chance: 10.0 messages: - "&7Wow!" commands: - "eco give %player% 1000" - chance: 30.0 commands: - "eco give %player% 500" - chance: 100.0 commands: - "eco give %player% 50" hologram: enabled: true height: 2.0 lines: - "&7Envoy!" - "&fRarity: &acommon." - "" - "Hits: %hits%/%max_hits%"



That's the cooldown until a player can collect a crate of that type again


Whether or not the collection of this crate should be broadcasted


The type of the block that you'd like the spawned crate to have. You can use ItemsAdder or Oraxen materials here! For Oraxen: oraxen:\<block_id>, and for ItemsAdder: itemsadder:\<block_id>


The amount of times the crate has to be clicked to be collected. If the player attempting to collect it is on a cooldown, the crate won't be able to be collected



The chance for this reward. This is relative, so the chances don't have to add up to 100


The messages that will be sent to use to the player. Can use formatting


The commands that will be ran. You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders here


The items that will be given to the player. They follow the same scheme as the other items in the plugin

Last modified: 28 November 2023