Artillex-Studios Documentation Help


crates: # The name of the crate:the spawn chance of the crate spawning # They don't have to add up to 100% common: 50 legendary: 10 rare: 40 amount: "30" limit-predefined: true collect-cooldown: 10 collect-global-cooldown: false broadcast-collect: true timeout-time: 300 every: "1h" send-spawn-message: false alert-times: - "30m" - "10m" - "5s" - "3s" - "2s" - "1s" only-in-global: false min-players: 2 random-spawn: enabled: true center: "world;0;100;0" min-distance: 20 max-distance: 100 min-height: 10 max-height: 200 min-distance-between-crates: 0 not-on-blocks: - "(?<!s)t?air(?!s)" - "(leaves)" - "(sign)" - "diamond_block" # You can override messages from messages.yml. You need to put it exactly how it is in that file. messages: prefix: "<#00FFAA>&lAxEnvoy &7ยป " rewards: use-prefix: true flare: enabled: true cooldown: 30 item: material: "prismarine_shard" name: "&cEnvoy flare" glow: true custom-model-data: 0 lore: - "&7Right click with this, to start" - "&7the default envoy!" pre-defined-spawns: enabled: false locations: - "world;1;1;1"
Last modified: 28 November 2023